Wednesday 12 October 2016


One medieval philosopher Saint Thomas Aquinas once said “There is no higher GOD than truth”, live truly who you and accepting truth whenever pour on you.
Medieval Philosopher, St.  Thomas Aquinas 
Life is a hard place and most of us can be forgiven for feeling we are on the losing end of it. The simple truth is no one has an easy ride; most of us have had some serious ups and downs along the way. Below are 10 harsh truths that will make you a better person;

1. Life isn’t fair
Of course life isn’t fair it never is. The challenge is to find someone who has had an easy life all the way through, they don’t exist. The sooner you except this fact the happier you’ll be.
2. The first step is the hardest
Well it may be. It is also good to reach outside our comfort zone from time to time. The problem with comfort zones is they get smaller and smaller with time. Reaching out, and doing something new, can revitalize us and make us more rounded people.

3. Good things don’t come quickly
There is the opposite adage that good things are worth waiting for. The reality is good things are happening all the time. Okay, you didn’t win the lottery this week, but the chances are lots of good things have happened to you, be they small and fleeting. Make a note of the good things that happen each week, you’ll be surprised.
4. Not everyone gives support
It would be very strange if they did because we are all made up of different personalities, values and have different points of view. It would be impossible to please everybody all the time, there will always be doubters. Never let these people stop you from going for your goals and passions. These are the very things that make you a better person.

5. You can’t always be in control
That’s the way the world is made up, there will always be things you have no control over. The boss has control over you; the Inland Revenue has control over you along with your wife or husband. This is life, live with it, but don’t let it stop you from reaching out for your aims.
6. You can only accomplish great things with taking risks
Risk taking is a part of life; any successful businessman will tell you this. If you’re not prepared to take risks you will have harder time accomplishing what you want in life.

7. You’ll be better off without people you currently care about
Yes that’s true. You’ll be better off because you won’t have to worry about a loved one, falling ill, dying, or falling out of love. However, would being on your own without all this responsibility make you happier? It seems unlikely as the precious things in life are people, not money or possessions.
8. Death is a part of life
Yes that is true. Live with it, and that is not supposed to be a pun. There’s things you can do to make losing a loved one a lot less distressing: make them a bigger part of your life right now. Little things like making that call or paying a flying visit to a friend you haven’t seen in a while. These things will make you a better person.

9. You are the only thing holding yourself back from greatness
Being negative will hold you back. Instead, focus on the positive things and be happy now.

10. Bad things happen to good people
That’s the nature of life, the good die young too. But the opposite is also true, the good have good things happen to them, and the good can live to ripe old age.

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